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2/10/2012 — Emergency Power — Solar Panel kit from Solaro Energy Solutions

watch the video here:


Special thanks and shout out — to Dennis Grubb and the staff at Solaro Energy !

Here is a direct link to the main Solaro Energy website — clearly you can see they make many different products related to energy saving / off the grid solutions:

watch the video explanation of one of their lighting systems from Dennis directly here– this is their youtube page:


It is important to have a power source — for multiple reasons — power outages, emergencies, natural / man made disasters, severe weather, and even for off the grid living.

Costs can range from just a few dollars (under 100) into multiple thousands.  Depending on your budget — there is a form of backup power that many people can afford.  The time to prepare is now… BEFORE anything more happens on a global basis.

Try going a couple days without any form of electricity.  Life literally goes back to the dark ages without it.

Again, here is the main contact information to solaroenergy :



here are several other links to find out more about solar power — multiple companies offer budget solutions  — im not just promoting solaroenergy — Im promoting having a power solution available to meet your needs in case of emergency or to offset your costs in real life:

Here is a link to the mini-solar charger I was talking about that I saw at walgreens (cost is 15 dollars):,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.,cf.osb&biw=1920&bih=884&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=6904914468814969374&sa=X&ei=-OI1T5aIFcPs2QWg16X6AQ&ved=0CHQQxBUwAA

Here is a link to several other companies (I cannot vouch for these others as I have not seen or tested their products — read the reviews on the other companies before making any purchase)…,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.,cf.osb&fp=c925a18400251fd5&biw=1920&bih=884

I can vouch for Solaroenergy — that they are indeed a real company known for making working/high quality solar panels.

cheers to them for sending this system!


If you want your products tested please feel free to contact me at :

dork2door@      yahoo  dot com

Label the email PRODUCT TEST — if the item fits with topics I cover — earth changes, space anomalies, severe weather, preparation (survival), healthy foods, or other related issues similar to these —  I have no problem reviewing items, testing them, and giving the shoutout via video.

I work for free, test for free, and accept no payments for doing this — any items sent will be sent back unless otherwise stated by the sender who wants me to test the item.

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2/9/2012 — Chicago Radiation Tests — Byron Illinois Nuclear power plant and Downtown


Many thanks to international medcom for the 2nd Inspector Alert geiger counter. Here is a link to their site (they are the manufacturer of the Inspector Alert geiger )


Here is a compilation list  of radiation measurement videos made in Chicago — I still have another few videos to process — but these videos below represent a bulk of the measurements taken.

Each measurement was done for 10 minutes — using three geiger counters.  Two inspector alert geiger counters — and one CDV-700 (civil defense) geiger counter w/ wand.

This mean each 10 minute video counts for THREE actual counts (there are two separate digital meters running simultaneously, and one analog).

First video of arrival at destination (our room generously donated by a viewer):

pictures below from our room on the 17th floor @ Lasalle & Kinzie in downtown Chicago — February 8, 2012:

Now the measurements:

Byron Nuclear plant directly:


southeast of Byron Nuclear power plant — corn fields east of Oregon, IL:


Into the city of Chicago  — downtown at ground level — Grant Park (abraham lincoln memorial):


City of Chicago — outside balcony 30th floor @ Michigan Ave. & 13th :


City of Chicago — inside / interior of highrise @ Lasalle & Kinzie (river west downtown loop 17th floor:


Also we made our way to the severe weather exhibit, and several other great exhibits at the Chicago Science & Industry museum — very cool stuff!:

picture below from the U-505 (german U-boat submarine) exhibit entrance:

Below is a giant Tesla Coil :