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11/16/2011 — Moon verified to be out of place — ‘Lunar Anomaly’ — Planet X / Tyche / Nemesis would have to be 30AU

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from the harvard paper…  they call the moon orbit problem quote “an unknown gravitomagnetic acceleration”

The present-day models of the dissipative phenomena occurring in the interiors of both the Earth and the Moon are not able to explain it.
In this paper, we examine several dynamical effects, not modeled in the data analysis, in the framework of long-range modified models of gravity and of the standard Newtonian/Einsteinianparadigm.
It turns out that none of them can accommodate ˙emeas.  “Many of them do not even induce long-term changes; other models do, instead, yield such an effect, but the resulting magnitudes are in disagreement with ˙emeas. In particular, the general relativistic gravitomagnetic acceleration of the Moon due to the Earth’s angular momentum has the right order of magnitude, but the resulting Lense-Thirring secular effect for the eccentricity vanishes.

A potentially viable Newtonian candidate would be a trans-Plutonian massive object(PlanetX/Nemesis/Tyche) since it, actually, would affecte with a non-vanishing long-term variation. On the other hand, the values for the physical and orbital parameters of such a hypothetical body required to obtain at least the right order of magnitude for ˙e are completely unrealistic: suffices it to say that an Earth-sized planet would be at 30 au, while a jovian mass would be at 200 au. Thus, the issue of finding a satisfactorily explanation for the anomalous behavior of the Moon’s eccentricity remains open.



They explain in this paper from Cornell and Harvard Universities that THEY CANNOT EXPLAIN why the moon is showing an “accelerating phenomenon”.

They do calculations based upon the location of “X” .. X being the distant point where the supposed “planet x / nemesis / tyche” is located.

This paper acknowledges two things..

1. The moon is indeed experiencing an acceleration in eccentricity during its orbit around the earth —- the current models of the earths core/moons core do not correspond or explain this.

2.  Professionals in the industry — scientists at Cornell and Harvard Universities for instance — are using “X” as in (planet x, nemesis, tyche) in an attempt to explain something happening to the moon/earth orbit.

What this says to me, is that the reports from across the board the past year, about “something” being wrong with the moons orbit.. with the large uptick in earthquake activity, with the NOTICEABLE volcanic eruption increase.. with the unexplained mass animal deaths, with the compasses moving from magnetic north, with the Aurora in the south , with the massive storm increase, with strange satellite issues falling back to earth — all that sounds to me like a problem with earths gravity, geomagnetism — even though the final summary says “non-gravitational” or “artifacts in data processing”… they haven’t taken the OTHER events here on terra-firma into account.

The scientists are considering all angles it would seem.. including the fabled “planet x”.