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12/18/2011 — because EVERY dark cloud has a silver IODIDE lining = a THANKS to an impersonator

I get them all day long, we call them “youtube impersonators” or clone accounts….from time to time you hear me offer up various objections and complaints towards ill wishers who do this to cause problems.  Usually, I don’t respond at all.

Today, the tables have turned in favor of an impersonator who REALLY OUTDID every other impersonator, clone, and critic that I have seen on youtube. :^)

Below is their creation…  LOL many thanks are do to the person who took the time to create this graphic.

Impersonator?  Critic?  Friend?  I don’t know.. I see they go by Mrdutchsinse   — regardless of their intent.. the pic is great!

Indeed.. MUCH LOVE ! graphic is below:  click for full size image:

I would say .. this is proof that the saying is true … “every dark cloud has a silver IODIDE lining”
