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10/17/2011 — Severe weather central Oklahoma and South Florida- Hail and Damaging winds detected = HAARP ring forecasted

A large HAARP ring appeared out of Oklahoma City —  in otherwords, a very intense spike in RF (radio frequency) ..we (the forecasters who watch these things) said expect severe weather at Oklahoma city within 24-48 hours.. hail,  damaging winds, and possible tornadoes.

Roughly 24 hours later.. we see HAIL, DAMAGING WINDS, and STRONG THUNDERSTORMS — tornadoes possible tonight — hit Oklahoma directly dead center.. the direct center of the ring from a day earlier!

See the outbreak now live for yourself on intellicast.. turn on TITAN storm tracking in the upper right hand corner of the screen ..

here is the video from youtube showing the outbreak today which resulted from the frequency spike yesterday:

link to the blog post showing the frequency outbreak from yesterday :…

On the blog, there are several screenshots of the intense “HAARP rings” .. VLF to UHF — very low frequency to Ultra High frequency spikes which appeared on the multiple RADAR systems …

The call for severe weather at Oklahoma City was made when these rings appeared…. now we see HAIL detected just south of Oklahoma City, well within the CENTER of the giant FLASH RADAR HAARP ring that appeared .

Also, south in Florida… just south of Key West… damaging winds, hail detected and 10 inches of rain forecast to fall.

here is a shot of the Florida HAARP ring from about a day ago .. again, severe weather (hail and damaging winds) was forecast due to this frequency spike on RADAR:

Here is a current shot of south Florida (730pm CDT 10/17/2011 ):  Damaging winds detected south west of Key West heading for the dead center of the area that had the ring appear: